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3 SaaS Stocks for the Tech Revolution

One quick glance at my credit card statement, and I was ready to panic.

All I saw was a ton of small charges that I didn’t remember swiping for: $13, $7, $61, $15, $11…

After all, with the pandemic, I haven’t been leaving my apartment much at all. So, where was I making all these purchases?

When I took a closer look, though, I realized all those charges were mine. And they were all for just one thing: TV streaming services.

It doesn’t seem like a lot at first. But a year ago, I was paying only $13 a month for just Netflix. Now, after adding Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max and Showtime, it’s run up a total of over $100.

Still, I’m happy with my decision to add them. Since I’m spending more and more time at home, they give me a lot of content to fill my time with. I can pretty much watch anything I want, anytime and anywhere.

And this kind of convenience isn’t just helping streaming become a huge trend. It’s also the tail wind powering a similar, even bigger market worth $158 billion — one that you can make profits on today.

Collect Money Like Clockwork

Software as a service (SaaS) provides software programs that you access over the cloud as a service … like Google Drive, for example.

And while streaming services and SaaS aren’t exactly the same, they have one important thing in common: They’re subscription-based. So, they collect money every month like clockwork.

As I mentioned, SaaS offers convenience. Customers can access their programs anywhere at any time, whenever they need to. They no longer need traditional software like CDs to run or install anything.

But what sets SaaS products apart is that most are absolutely essential.

Think about Microsoft Office 365, which over 1 million companies rely on worldwide. Or Adobe’s Creative Cloud, which is a design industry standard. (Adobe’s products are another pain point for me when checking my credit card statement each month. I spend $53 a month for it!)

So, just like with streaming, Charles and I expect this industry to grow in the years ahead. Some analysts even expect the global SaaS market to grow from $158 billion in 2020 to nearly $304 billion by 2026.

That’s huge! And it gives you the chance to build your nest egg.

In fact, Charles has already pinpointed three SaaS-related stocks in his Alpha Investor research service. Current Alpha Investors are seeing gains on all of them in just a few months.

And he’ll soon be revealing another company tapping into this industry that Wall Street is mispricing right now. It could hand you triple-digit gains over the next few years, so you don’t want to miss out.

To find out all the details on this company next week, find out how to join Charles as an Alpha Investor right here.


Lina Lee

Managing Editor, Alpha Investor

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