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The Solution: Don’t Throw Away Your Financial Future

Editor’s Note: There has been a very vocal minority recently saying that the American system of government and especially capitalism is the cause of all of the problems in this country. Charles Mizrahi has had it up to here with that talk. Nothing could be further from the truth. He wrote an op-ed that was recently in the Washington Times showing how capitalism is the solution … not the problem.

Stay tuned in Winning Investor Daily as he gears up for the American Prosperity Summit in the next few weeks. We’ll be publishing all the information you need here. — Annie Stevenson, Managing Editor, Winning Investor Daily

It’s addictive.

It begins innocently enough. You tell yourself you’ll only check your account once a day. You just want to see what’s going on.

At first, things go well. But after a while, you start to see negative news headlines pop up. You can’t help but worry.

And soon, you can’t keep your eye off of your account for more than a few hours — or maybe even minutes. The worrying consumes most of your thoughts. You can’t bear not knowing what’s happening.

So, you obsessively refresh your screen.

I’m not talking about social media, though … I’m talking about your investment accounts.

But only a certain type of investor obsessively checks their portfolio. And you don’t want to be one of them.

Instead, there’s another type of investor you need to be if you want your portfolio to take off…

2 Types of Investors

You see, there are two types of investors: ones who make money and ones who don’t. It’s that simple. And no one wants to be a part of that second group.

I get it. It’s hard to resist temptation. It’s a great feeling when things are going well and you log in to see your money growing.

And the rise of investing apps like Robinhood makes it even easier to spend half your day glued to a screen.

However, it’s a lot harder to stomach the market’s downturns — like the ones we’ve seen recently.

When you see the daily swings in your stocks’ prices, it’s almost impossible not to panic and sell. Even experienced investors aren’t immune to their emotions. They get the best of them.

But panicking is a surefire way to lose money in the market. And for many Main Street investors, it can even kill their financial futures completely.

That’s why you need an approach that can help you keep a clear, calm mind. It can set you apart from the rest of the crowd. And it’ll help you be an investor who continues to make money — no matter what the market does.

There Are Always Profit Opportunities

Investing is simple.

That’s something Alpha Investor Editor Charles Mizrahi always reminds me.

Charles has 37 years of experience on Wall Street. He’s a former investor, money manager and hedge fund manager. He’s seen all that the market can throw at an investor. And he knows that panicking about the short term doesn’t do anyone any good.

So, his approach is easy: Buy great companies at bargain prices. Then, you just let them run higher.

That’s all you have to do to make profits. You don’t need to trade every day to make these kinds of gains. You don’t need to obsess over your portfolio every hour.

When you’re focused on the long term, there’s no need to worry about the day-to-day market movements. Remember, even during downturns, there are always opportunities in the market. You just have to find them.

And Charles shows you how to do exactly that in Alpha Investor by using his Alpha-3 Approach. It’s handed his readers gains of 27% in four months and 37% in two months even in the depths of the pandemic-related crash.

So, if you’re not following his approach, you’re missing out. You don’t want to miss the next profit opportunity he sees in the market.


Lina Lee

Managing Editor, Alpha Investor 

P.S. Charles may have spent nearly four decades on Wall Street. But he grew up as middle class as it gets. His belief in the American dream is what fueled his journey.

But it’s also why he walked away from his Wall Street career — because he wants to do more. He wants to give back to Main Street investors just like you.

That’s why we’re so excited about Charles’ upcoming American Prosperity Summit on September 8. During this event, he’ll show you how to reclaim your financial future. Stay tuned!

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