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Follow the Smart Money

Here’s the 3-1-Q.

3 insights, 1 word for you to ponder and 1 question for you to jump-start your week…

3 Insights…

No. 1: “A Banker’s Journey: Building a Global Financial Empire”

Dan Gross’ most recent book — A Banker’s Journey: How Edmond J. Safra Built a Global Financial Empire — covers Edmond J. Safra’s incredible career. From starting Republic National Bank of New York at the age of 32 to selling it to HSBC for $10 billion … he always put his customers first. Listen in here.

No. 2: “Coffee Shops Avoid Inflation Backlash”

Americans dined out less as inflation surged this summer, but couldn’t resist shelling out more at coffee shops — like Starbucks. Sales have increased, and analysts believe people are treating themselves during “a time of belt-tightening.” Read the story here…

No. 3: “Wisdom Beyond Business”

Charlie Munger has been Warren Buffett’s business partner for the last six decades. He also has a wealth of life wisdom beyond just business success. In this video, he shares his secrets to life. Watch the full video here.

1 Word…

I’ve been keeping track.

And I’m seeing a lot of companies’ boards say the same thing:

“Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.”

During the first half of 2022, close to 700 CEOs have been on the chopping block. They’ve either “retired,” “resigned” or “stepped down.”


Shareholders are no longer tolerating slow growth and weak performance. So, if CEOs aren’t growing their companies, they’re getting shown the door.

Because at the end of the day, the buck stops with them, the leader. CEOs make all the difference for a company’s returns.

That’s why I focus on knowing the CEO of a business and their track record for every company I recommend to my readers.

So, my word this week is “CEO.”

“There’s an enormous difference in the talent of American business managers. The CEOs of the Fortune 500 are not selected like the Olympic track and field team. You do not have the uniformity of top quality that you get with the Olympic team in any sport.”
Warren Buffett

1 Question…

Follow the smart money.

Warren Buffett … Shelby Davis … John Templeton …

They all know this secret: Bear markets are the greatest wealth creators.

So, my question for you is this: Are you buying now? Holding? Or selling?

I sure hope you aren’t selling. But let me know your thoughts by commenting below.

Make your week a meaningful and profitable one.

Wishing you all the best,

Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Real Talk

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