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How College Broke the American Dream

student loan debts have many questioning whether college is worth it

The bloom is off the rose.

During the COVID-19 shutdown, college courses went virtual.

American parents had a front-row seat to the college experience — and they weren’t happy…

In fact, my son was taking college courses virtually, and I didn’t like what was being taught.

Because even though students weren’t on campus or dorming, colleges continued to charge full tuition!

But for decades, a college degree has been considered the ticket to higher wages and a better life.

Parents and students have gone into debt to pay for overpriced college tuition. And right now, the total student loan debt in the U.S. is a staggering $1.8 trillion.

So, I sat down with Will Bunch, the author of After the Ivory Tower Falls: How College Broke the American Dream and Blew Up Our Politics — and How to Fix It.

We discussed how the impact of college debt on the next generation and our economy will be huge.

Click here or on the image below to listen now!

And afterward, let me know what you think of our interview by writing in at


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

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