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100,000 People Are Profiting From This Million-Dollar Mistake — Join Them Today

Today’s Take: Get your fair share of America’s prosperity today.

“I feel like such an idiot.”

Molly was actually far from it. She had a PhD in computational mathematics.

When I ran my own money management firm, I made sales presentations to institutional investors and very rich folks just like Molly all the time.

Molly’s husband had passed away a few years earlier. He left her with a more-than-$50 million estate. And after receiving a glowing recommendation from a mutual friend, she called me. She wanted me to look over her portfolio and give her advice.

So, I met Molly at her palace of a home. Her housekeeper showed me to the living room, where she was waiting.

Molly was around 70 years old. But she looked many years younger and had a beautiful smile. And she was ready. She handed me a folder with her monthly brokerage statements for the past 12 months.

I looked them over, and she watched me closely. She must’ve seen the look on my face.

“Charles, how many dumb things did I do?”

I didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. There were a lot of dumb mistakes, but they weren’t her fault.

With her husband no longer around, Molly knew little about investing. And her financial planner was having a field day with her portfolio. He was investing her money in complicated financial products.

I couldn’t even figure out what some of them were. What I did know was that they were all performing terribly over the past few years. Molly would’ve been better served putting her money in a simple S&P 500 index fund.

Unfortunately, I’ve known many people like Molly over the years… People who are accomplished in many areas of their lives. But when it comes to investing, they leave much to be desired, to put it nicely.

Now, I’m not trying to be polite when I say that it’s not their fault. Because the Wall Street machine does an excellent job of making even the smartest people feel like fools…

You Don’t Have to Go It Alone When Investing

First, financial planners and big institutions love to confuse the heck out of everyday investors by offering complicated products.

Many times, the investment is actually a simple one, like an index fund. But these firms add plenty of bells and whistles, so they can build in their fees to make money off the Mollys of the world.

After making things confusing, the fear sets in. And it’s not just the fear of losing money. It’s also the fear of not doing anything.

Wall Street has all the complex charts that show how much the value of the dollar is losing each year. They convince people that if they don’t make an investment today, their money will be worth no more than toilet paper in a decade.

That leaves the Mollys of the world frustrated. They know the Wall Street machine isn’t the right path to take, but they also know they need to do something with their money at the same time. They’re just not sure what.

Now, if you’ve felt like this at some point in time, I want you to know that you’re not alone…

I know Wall Street from the inside out. I started as a floor trader when I was just 20 years old. I founded my money management firm when I was 22 and had an outstanding career.

But now, I’m using my experience and knowledge to end the confusion, fear and frustration that many Americans feel when investing.

It’s why I started my Alpha Investor service. I had one goal in mind: to help Main Street Americans just like you reclaim their financial futures.

And the impact I’ve had so far has exceeded my wildest dreams.

I recently received an email from two of my subscribers, a husband and wife. They wrote that they had lost $30,000 investing — money they couldn’t afford to lose. But after just four months of me guiding them as Alpha Investors, they told me: “We finally have peace with our investing.”

Their only wish was to have found out about Alpha Investor earlier. If they did, they truly believe they “would’ve been millionaires.”

They ended their email with: “Thank you for loving the small investors.”

It doesn’t get any better than that for me. It’s why I tap dance to work every day.

Today, Alpha Investor has close to 100,000 subscribers. But I want to do more. So, earlier this year, I set a huge goal…

I want to help 1 million Main Street Americans get their fair share of America’s prosperity.

So I turned to my good friend, Governor Mike Huckabee, and asked if he would help me on this mission. And in a heartbeat, he agreed.

Together, we spent months working on a big project we call the “Miracle on Main Street.” And now, we’re revealing it to America.

We want you to join us in achieving clarity, peace of mind and success in both the markets and life as a whole. You can find out how by watching our special presentation right here.


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

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