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Huckabee’s “Top 5 Takes” of The Week!

TAKE #1:

Former “Representative” or “Republican”?

Former Republican Representative Liz Cheney is voting for Kamala Harris for President. I’ll let you decide whether the adjective “former” refers to “Representative” or “Republican.”

J.D. Vance is taking heat from some establishment Republicans for his blistering critique of Cheney, particularly her endorsement of endless wars, but the criticism is more of the “you shouldn’t say that” variety than the “here’s why he’s wrong” variety.

 TAKE #2:

Back to 4 Years of Peace, Prosperity & Secure Borders?

Every time I hear a Democrat declare that “we can’t go back!” Why the heck not? If you find yourself walking into a forest fire, turning around and going back in the opposite direction would seem to be a no-brainer, even for people with no brains.

TAKE #3:

“Pretty Crazy”

It’s been reported that a growing number of Gen Z males are supporting Trump, and maybe it’s partly because they’re watching the TikTok videos of college student Will Purvis. He’s gone viral by simply asking people in the street why they’re voting for Kamala Harris. As he puts it, some of their answers are “pretty crazy.” For instance, did you know that unlike billionaire businessman Trump, Kamala has “run things.” Spoiler alert: No, she hasn’t…

TAKE #4:

News You Can Use

Nine family-friendly streaming TV services as an alternative for parents who are fed up with the big streamers pushing far-left, anti-American, anti-Christian, ultra-woke content on your kids and charging you for the privilege.

TAKE #5:

Woke Lunacy Alert!

Get out your dictionaries and razor blades and remove the term “Anglo-Saxon.” According to the UK’s University of Nottingham, they have to remove “Anglo-Saxon” from the Anglo-Saxon studies program in order to “decolonize the curriculum.” I would respond with a few Anglo-Saxon terms of my own, but I don’t use that kind of language.

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

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