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Huckabee’s “Top 5 Takes” of The Week!

TAKE #1:

God’s Not Dead

The new movie I’m in made its grand debut in theaters this week. If you want to see how politics really work, check out God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust.

Watch the trailer here!

TAKE #2:

Taylor Swift Endorses Harris

Forget it, the election is over! Under a ton of pressure from liberal media, Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris.

I guess this is big news if you decide who to vote for based on tweets by pop stars with pics of their cats. Interestingly, Swift is still taking heat from the left for telling fans, “Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make” rather than just ordering them, “Vote for Kamala, Trump is Hitler!!!” I can’t help thinking that her heart wasn’t really in this. As it shouldn’t be, since shrewd, successful entertainers don’t alienate half their audiences with annoying political statements nobody wants to hear.

Too bad nobody told the “late night comedy show” hosts that, because they’ve driven away so many viewers that they seem to be slowly fading away. The latest is a true TV turning point: the once-mighty “Tonight Show” that was must-see viewing for everyone when the apolitical Johnny Carson hosted is about to shrink to four nights a week. All the others already have.

TAKE #3:


As if you couldn’t tell we’re winning the culture wars from the Democrats’ desperate efforts to try to convince us they now respect white, male, Midwestern, gun-owning, military veterans, check out these stories. Harley Davidson and Jack Daniels Whiskey are the latest companies to ditch “woke” DEI policies.

If they thought those policies appealed to their customers, I have to wonder what they’ve been drinking.

TAKE #4:


While Kamala Harris continues hiding out from the media and not even doing interviews with outlets so worshipful they’d shine her shoes with their tongues, Trump is taking his case to both hostile and unusual audiences. His latest unscripted sit-down was with comic and popular podcaster Theo Von, who has millions of young followers.

Here’s their full free-wheeling discussion…

And here’s an exchange about alcohol and drugs that some are calling the best minute of content you’ll find online today.

TAKE #5:

Once-Powerful Legacy Media Gatekeepers are Actually Dinosaurs With at Least One Foot in the Tar Pit

After Megyn Kelly was “canceled” by NBC over a non-PC kerfuffle, she won a $30 million settlement. But critics sneered that she’d better make it last because her career was over. With only six staffers, she’s now doing a podcast that has 2.7 million subscribers on YouTube alone, and that had 116.8 million views in July. The official NBC YouTube channel had 78 million views.

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

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