TAKE #1:

DeSantis Reassures Floridians

One thing that had to be reassuring for Floridians was seeing their Governor, Ron DeSantis, giving a press update Monday on hurricane preparedness. He exuded resolute competence, which has been sorely lacking in so many of our political leaders of late. It was a reminder that when you’re facing a real crisis, you need mature, experienced, intelligent adults in charge.

Speaking of that, DeSantis was blunt that he has no time for anyone trying to play politics with the emergency because he has a real job to do and people’s lives on the line. That means you, Kamala.


TAKE #2:

FEMA and Harris are in Denial

As FEMA is getting slammed for its slow, inadequate and even counterproductive response to Hurricane Helene, the officials in charge are trying to silence the criticism by branding it as “misinformation.”

For instance, claims that nearly a billion dollars of its budget were spent on illegal immigrants. It’s true, but they claim it didn’t come from the emergency fund part of their budget, so it’s false. Here’s a response that explains how ridiculous that is.


TAKE #3:

Quote of the Week!

This wins the internet today!

JD Vance: “I’ve been asked by some folks to comment on Liz Cheney. I think we just traded Liz Cheney for Tulsi Gabbard and that’s the biggest upgrade in American politics.”


TAKE #4:

Another Reason to Love Dolly Parton

She not only donated a million dollars of her own money to help Helene victims back home, she also got charities she’s involved with to match that million AND signed a deal with Walmart that’s contingent on them donating $10 million.

A big salute to her and the many people who’ve stepped up to help their fellow Americans who were devastated by Hurricane Helene — and to the mules, too.


TAKE #5:

Costly Mistake

President Biden is urging Israel not to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities, which I’ll bet everyone in the Middle East who’s not part of Iran’s government is praying they will do.

I will never understand why Obama and Biden are so bent on protecting and financing Iran’s nuclear program. It’s not as if they lack energy (they’re sitting on a sea of oil.)

Everyone knows why they really want to enrich uranium. It’s not just to nuke Israel but to threaten their other neighbors and America as well.


Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research