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If Trump Loses…

Imagine a government that targets a mother who goes to a school board to protest that their child is being subjected to pornography in the classroom with textbooks and library books that are genuinely obscene…

She is labeled a domestic terrorist because she spoke up. It’s already happening.

What’s going to happen for the next four years when a government thinks that it now has an unbridled right to go after all of its political enemies? What happens to people who dare oppose the government?

We’re already watching Donald Trump get prosecuted for things that you scratch your head and say these aren’t even crimes.

Absurd Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Stacy Abrams, Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi questioned the 2016 election. They said Donald Trump was not the legitimate president.

Nobody prosecuted them. Yet, Donald Trump is being prosecuted because he dared question the election results in 2020.

What we have today is a divided country…

I’ve never seen it quite so filled with rancor and contentiousness, but part of that is because people feel very passionately about their beliefs, and their country.

What we have is a divide between those who want to lean towards socialism, where the government gets stronger and bigger — where many people think the government is god.

And then there are still many of us who believe that the government is at best a tool of god, but it needs to be in the hands of people of integrity, people who will use it fairly and justly.

We should always remember that freedom is the foundation of America.

One of the big changes in our country right now is a political drift within both parties. Not too long ago, Democrats and Republicans never stood too far apart on issues and could find common ground to move our country forward.

Today, the dynamic is quite different…

We’re living in a time now where it’s hard to find common ground with people who believe that we’re an evil country … who believe that America was built on stealing land from people to whom it belonged and therefore we should give it back.

When you have that much of a fundamental difference, it’s really hard to find common ground and find that sort of center of governing.

Now that it’s September, voters are starting to pay attention.

And it’s about time. Because if Trump loses, some of our biggest fears might unfold come November.

I think the courtroom would become the new public forum where we’re going to find an increasing number of pro-life people, Christian people, pro-Israel people, pro-freedom people finding themselves taken in chains.

The goal is not just to put a few people in prison but to silence the rest of us — causing us to be afraid to speak up and to take a stand for righteousness for biblical issues.

You can see more of my thoughts in this interview I did with CBN News:

We’re now getting inundated with stories about polls…

Some showing Harris ahead, some showing Trump ahead, and many showing the race within one percentage point with a 3-point margin of error among registered voters, which means it might as well be labeled “useless garbage.”

Ever since I started working in the media in 2009, I’ve been warning people to ignore polls, particularly polls taken well in advance of an election by polling outfits with questionable methodologies and records.

Some may even be designed just to depress GOP turnout.

Ignore them all.

Act as if Trump is down 10 points, and keep working, campaigning, donating, volunteering and urging all your friends and relatives to vote right up until Election Day in order to erase that hypothetical gap so that Trump wins by 10 points.

Charles Mizrahi is a pro at ignoring the noise and taking action based on facts. And as we enter fall during an election season, he shows that it’s one of the best things you can do when it comes to investing. See below…

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

Note: Whether it’s elections, bear markets, bull markets, fall or summer, Charles has invested (and made money) through it all in the last 40 years. That’s because he has a strategy that works. It’s not tied to the ups and downs of the market. In fact, when volatility hits, he sees that as an opportunity to buy…

Election Noise: The Real Strategy for Stock Market Gains

The months of September and October don’t have a good track with Mr. Market.

Historically they are two of the worst performing months for stock.

Volatility usually increases around election time as well.

Don’t let it keep you up at night.

Over the past 40 years, I haven’t met one successful investor who attributed their wealth to playing the “noise” of the stock market.

Not a one.

The way I see it, this time of year offers Alpha Investors a huge opportunity.

The gloom and doomers will tell you the market is headed to zero, don’t believe them.

No one ever made money shorting America.

I suggest you focus on this: buy outstanding businesses at great prices.

Most people have a tendency to make a simple game hard.

They figure that the harder something is to figure out, the higher the reward.

Investing is not a game where you make more money based on complexity.

In fact, it’s the exact opposite … but you’ll never hear Wall Street tell you that.

Like the Wizard of Oz, their power comes from making you feel small and fearful.

They brew up very difficult trading strategies to separate the uninformed from their money.

While most investors are hiding under their desks during this time of year…

I’m continually adding to my wish list of stocks I would love to own — if they trade at a great price.

Unlike others, I smile from ear-to-ear when stock prices fall.

And that’s because it gives Alpha Investors the opportunity to buy great businesses for a fraction of their worth.

Then enjoy the ride to financial freedom and watch your brokerage balance soar.


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

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