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Make Money … While Making the World a Better Place

The American Dream

I grew up in Brooklyn, New York in a working-class neighborhood.

My father was a warehouse manager. My neighbors were truck drivers, sanitation workers and schoolteachers.

Although times were tough in the 1970s, no one ever gave up. They all believed in the American dream and that their piece of it was right around the corner.

That’s the main reason their kids — my friends — grew up to be doctors, lawyers and hedge fund managers.

And I want to see as many of my fellow Americans get their fair share of the American dream — you included. That’s my mission.

If you’re reading this, I’m sure you already knew that.

But now, word is getting out…

American Essence magazine recently ran a story about me — and what I’m helping hundreds of thousands of people just like you accomplish as Alpha Investors.

I’m so blessed to be able to share my insights with you on how to make money in the stock market. It truly makes my day when you tell me how well you’re doing.

But to me, living the American dream is more than just making money. It’s also about helping others.

Today, I want to hear what the American dream means to you. Let me know what you think about my interview, which you can find by clicking here or the image below.

And when you’re done, tell me how you’re making the world a better place by writing in at

(Click here to view.)


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

P.S. Again, I want to reach as many Main Street Americans as possible — 1 million or even more! So, spread the word. Share this email with anyone you believe could benefit.

And keep an eye on my upcoming American Investor Today emails.

I’m putting the finishing touches on a brand-new project to help you reclaim financial freedom. I’m calling it the “Miracle on Main Street.” And I’ll be sharing more details with you very soon.

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