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The Real Solution to the Inflation Problem

Inflation is showing no signs of letting up.

It’s increasing at its fastest annual pace in 40 years. And many people are feeling the effects in their wallets.

Waiting for supply chain issues to sort themselves out isn’t a solution. There’s no telling how much the Federal Reserve’s planned rate hikes will help, either.

But our team is here to help you grow your wealth no matter what. In fact, Alpha Investor founder Charles Mizrahi recently gave his take on inflation.

He sat down with Steve Gruber of America’s Voice Live to discuss why he’s still optimistic ahead — and why you should be, too. If you missed it, be sure to catch up right here.

And you also won’t want to miss Charles’ Real Talk from this week. He shared which kinds of business you want to own to beat the inflation tapeworm…

What Facebook’s $232 Billion Wipeout Means for You
Tech giants have been trading as if they were penny stocks — moving by huge percentages in both directions. But the worth of a business doesn’t fluctuate on a daily basis by 60% or even 20%. Here’s what Wall Street is getting wrong.
This Is What Happens When Price Is No Issue
Warren Buffett said that if you have this one thing, then “you’ve got a very good business.” And there are only a handful of businesses that have it and know how to maximize it. They’re the companies that’ll help you combat inflation right now.

Seeing the Bigger Picture in Both Investing and Life

Charles is all about the long-term when it comes to investing — especially in times of inflation like now. As he says, that’s how the real money is made.

But it’s also good to look at the long run when it comes to life in general, too. Family, health and happiness are always important to keep in focus.

Recently, Charles discussed looking at the bigger picture like this with author Gautam Baid … whose journey in America includes going from being a hotel clerk to managing over $650 million in assets.

In Baid’s book, The Joys of Compounding: The Passionate Pursuit of Lifelong Learning, he draws on the wisdom of investing giants like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and Peter Lynch to offer a practical guide for better decision-making.

So, check out Charles’ interview with him right here.


Lina Lee

Senior Managing Editor, Real Talk