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The Surprising Truth About This Bear Market Bear Markets: The Surprising Truth December 7, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Investing, Stocks At the dawn of the last bull market, I released a portfolio of "inevitable stocks." Today, in the 2022 bear market, I'm doing it again...
Oh no, FOMO! The Single Most Dangerous Word in Investing November 29, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investing, News, Real Talk, Trending It's one simple word you may never have heard ... led to some of the worst investments ... could be costing YOU serious money ...
invest in these opportunities How to Make Money When Companies Slim Down May 31, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (2-minute read) While most investors are hiding under their beds, Charles has been finding pockets of opportunities. Find out what they are...
don't miss the chance to buy low and sell high when the market heads higher again. Now’s the Perfect Time to Start Buying Low February 18, 2022 by Lina Lee Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk (3-minute read) Since the start of the year, the market has been very volatile. And a lot of investors worried. But if you’re feeling that way, you’re not alone…
microcap super stock investment plays Finding Acorns Before They Become Mighty Oaks January 11, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Trading Strategies (3-minute read) All of the largest and best companies were once small companies. And finding mighty oaks when they are little acorns can be the key to tremendous returns…

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"Since I started following your secret over your multiple publications, my $659,000 account is up to $715,000 in just 2 months. I’m up $56,000 in one month alone."

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"You have done once again!! You are reminding me of the GREAT Joe DiMaggio with your consistent hitting!! You knocked this one out of the park!"

- Keith S.

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