Just as the Southeast is being deluged with wind and water this hurricane season, so news watchers like us are deluged with stories about the election and associated litigation.

Everything’s related, in that these two monster storms will inevitably affect the election and, thus, the future of our country.

But if it seemed as though North Carolinians wouldn’t be able to vote this time around, think again.

According to Scott Adams, who requested and received on “X” (formerly Twitter) many reports of ordinary people — as opposed to FEMA — delivering supplies, putting in temporary roads, repairing bridges, etc., they’re getting it done.

Mostly by themselves, it appears, they’re digging themselves out.

“I think they’re gonna vote,” he said on his Tuesday podcast, “and I think they’re gonna vote HARD. They’re gonna maybe break something, they’re gonna vote so hard.” Watching the residents doing this, he said, is “deeply inspiring.”

“There’s something so beautifully American about it,” he observed, adding that this would be a great basis for a Trump ad campaign — not to capitalize on a tragedy but just to show the mindset.

Everything is on the line this time.

But I know this. America is a resilient country. We’ve been through a lot of crises. But we survived.

And we’ve come out stronger than ever.

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

Hard Work and the American Dream: The Real Secret to Making Money in the Market

When I was 14, I felt like I’d just hit the jackpot. I’d landed my first summer job as a busboy at a local restaurant.

For every hour I worked, I earned $2.33 — the minimum wage back in 1977.

It wasn’t a job most kids my age wanted, but I didn’t care. I was excited to finally earn my own money.

One slow summer afternoon, after cleaning the tables and mopping the floor, I sat down to rest.

That’s when a waiter hurried over and whispered, “The boss is coming. You better look busy, or you’re outta here.”

I jumped up and started wiping down an already spotless table.

From that moment on, I never took a break. I thought that always staying busy and working hard was the key to success.

But when it comes to making money in the stock market, there’s more to it than just hard work…

Why Hard Work and Intelligence Alone Won’t Lead to Success in the Stock Market

When it comes to investing, hard work and intelligence don’t always guarantee success.

In fact, they might even work against you.

You could work 80 hours a week and have a genius-level IQ, and still end up with nothing in the stock market.

I’ve seen plenty of smart, hardworking people lose money because they don’t focus on what truly matters.

The real key is to resist the urge to act every day, stay calm, and be disciplined.

While I can’t teach you how to stay calm, I can definitely help you with discipline.

I’ve created a simple approach, and more importantly, I stick to it.

Here’s what I look for in a company:

  1. They’re in a mega-trend growing industry.
  2. They have rock-star leaders with integrity and an excellent track record.
  3. They have a strong balance sheet.
  4. The stock is trading below the company’s true value (a great deal).

Once you buy shares in those companies, you then move on and enjoy life.

While you’re fishing, traveling around the world, or doing whatever makes you happy…let those companies work for you.

That’s how we currently have returns in our portfolio of 100%, 300%, and even as much as 900%.

That’s how you build your retirement and achieve the American Dream.

Gov. Huckabee and I would love to know … What’s your American Dream and retirement look like to you? Please email us at Insider@ProsperityResearch.com.


Charles Mizrahi

Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor