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Latest Insights on PH

Virtual Reality Is Transforming This $9 Trillion Industry September 22, 2020 by Steve Fernandez Technology, Winning Investor Daily Virtual reality is growing fast but is still in its early stages. This is an ideal scenario for investors who want to make huge profits.
My $20 Watch Helped Me Get $5 Million September 21, 2020 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing, Investment Opportunities (3-minute read) Clothes don’t make the man. Wall Street veteran Charles Mizrahi never bought a million-dollar watch to fit in. He trusts his $20 watch even in $5 million meetings.
Push a Button, Buy a Stock September 18, 2020 by Annie Stevenson American Investor Today, Investing, Retirement (3-minute read) Lots of people know they want to trade stocks but they don’t know how. And that’s how Wall Street wants it to be. But you don’t have to listen to them.
Make Your Retirement Work for You September 17, 2020 by Lina Lee American Investor Today, Education, Retirement (2-minute read) Instead of focusing on fear, focus on what matters. That will help you become confident — and successful. Wall Street veteran Charles Mizrahi shows you how.
“Buffett’s Burgers” Are Your Stock Market Key September 16, 2020 by Nicole Zdzieba American Investor Today, Education, Investing (3-minute read) Buying stocks should be like buying hamburgers — you should get excited when you’re getting a deal. Instead, people shy away from cheaper stocks. They shouldn’t.

"I couldn’t believe it … in just 2 months, I made $298,506 on one stock – that’s a 24% gain!"

- John B.

“I started with $215,000 in Nov. 2018, It is now over 800,000. So very happy with Banyan Hill Publishing.”

- Larry K.

"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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