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Want to Learn Options Trading? Start With the Basics December 29, 2020 by Melody Kerr American Investor Today, Education, Trading Strategies (4-minute read) Many people avoid options simply because they’re “too complicated.” They need someone who can make options easier to understand — unlocking the potential for bigger and quicker gains. That’s why we follow our expert, Chad Shoop.
2 Stocks to Buy as States Shut Down — Again December 28, 2020 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing, U.S. Economy (6-minute video) As states reopen for business, they’re seeing surges in COVID-19 cases. The virus strikes again — but don’t base your investments on the case numbers. Instead, buy into trends that are set to skyrocket. These two stocks have fantastic long-term potential.
Don’t Buy Petco’s IPO — Buy This ETF Instead December 23, 2020 by Nicole Zdzieba American Investor Today, Investing, News (5-minute read) Have you adopted a pet this year? You’re not alone. There’s a trend of adopting new furry friends in this pandemic. Here’s how we see it…
The Secret to Making Money in the Stock Market December 21, 2020 by Charles Mizrahi 2020 Financial Crisis, American Investor Today, Education (4-minute read) Closing the book on 2020 — and finally ready for 2021. Charles Mizrahi gives you the biggest thing he learned this year. Read more…
America Is Recovering — Your Chance for Profits in 2021 December 18, 2020 by Annie Stevenson 2020 Financial Crisis, American Investor Today, News (3-minute read) The pandemic finally has a deadline. Congress may finally be compromising. And the markets are now hitting new highs. It’s nice to feel hopeful.

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