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Cheap Lithium-Ion Batteries Unlock Massive Tech Gains May 22, 2020 Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Cellphones, laptops and electric vehicles are just a few of the many technologies utilizing lithium-ion batteries.
2 Ways to Play the Market Recovery May 21, 2020 2020 Financial Crisis, American Investor Today, Trading Strategies (10-minute video) COVID-19 reset the economy in a big way. Weak companies got the stuffing knocked out of them, while businesses that were doing well before the outbreak continue to thrive. Today, Charles Mizrahi discusses two of those companies — and shows you why they’ll do even better once the economy fully reopens.
Bitcoin Will Reach $1 Million by 2025 May 15, 2020 Currency, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily When you look at one chart, you can see bitcoin is behaving just as expected. And that there are more climbs to come…
2 Recession-Proof Stocks Set for 2020 May 14, 2020 2020 Financial Crisis, American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities (8-minute video) With businesses shut down and unemployment skyrocketing, it’s important to invest in industries that will do well once the economy returns to normal. Today, Charles Mizrahi shows you two recession-proof stocks that could hand investors big returns over the long term.