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Top Investing Strategy: Partner with CEOs May 17, 2023 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Investing, Trading Strategies In this economy, every dollar counts. So when you invest in a company, you should partner with CEOs that treat shareholders' money as their own.
1 Decision Earned Warren Buffett’s Shareholders 3,787,464% May 10, 2023 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Investment Opportunities, Stocks, Trading Strategies Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway earned 3,787,464% with just 1 decision. Good investing is all about choice: so here are 3 for you.
Semiconductor Supplier InTEST Skyrockets 130% in 2 Years May 3, 2023 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Investing, Stocks When Nick Grant became CEO of semiconductor supplier InTEST, he had his work cut out for him. But the right leader can turn even THIS ship around.
Why Mispriced Microcaps Like This Made 200% Gains April 26, 2023 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Diversified Investments, Stocks Microcaps (stocks under $500 million market cap) are being neglected, creating huge mispricings. This one made 200% gains in 1 year.
How Bison Interests Founder Made 390% Profits On His Hedge Fund April 23, 2023 by Charles Mizrahi Banyan Edge, Investing, Real Talk An interview with Josh Young, founder of hedge fund Bison Interests, explains how Josh’s fund returned 390% profits in 2021.

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