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The Magic Formula to Find Quality Businesses? July 27, 2022 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks (5-minute read) Over time — and after losing a lot of money — Charles learned how to discern reality from BS…
On Sale! The “Buy Now” Sign for Stocks Couldn’t Be Clearer… July 22, 2022 Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks (3-minute read) The markets will make new highs again. But in the meantime, now’s the perfect opportunity to buy stocks like you’d buy anything else right now: while they’re on sale…
“Boring” Stocks Knock the Lights Out July 20, 2022 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks (4-minute read) Charles knows what it looks like when bubbles form — and more importantly, how they end…
Stocks to Make All-Time Highs July 18, 2022 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks (3-minute read) Eventually, stock prices will stop falling. And once they do, they’ll recover to all-time highs. Here's why...
Options Arena: Can Commodities Make a Comeback? July 17, 2022 Investing, Options Arena, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters Commodities outperformed in the first half of 2022, before dropping 18% in June. But they may not be another bear market casualty yet...