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10X in Today’s Market November 7, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks Fortunes are made in bear markets. That’s why now is the best time to be a long-term investor in my opinion.
My Plan to Turn $1 Million Into … $10,000,000 October 31, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks [3-1-Q] See what I’m going to be buying to turn $1 million into $10,000,000. (Hint: It’s not bonds, gold or ordinary stocks.)
I Want You to Hear This… October 28, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Income, Real Talk When I was younger, the more zeros after the dollar sign, the more successful I thought I was. Now, I realize success is really about this...
How I Learned the Most Important Skill in Trading October 26, 2022 by Bryan Klindworth Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies Usually we get into trading specifics, such as using options Greeks, setting up a hedge, understanding leverage, etc… But today, I'm going to discuss the way I learned the most important skill in my trading arsenal…
Stock Price vs. Investing October 24, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investing, Real Talk, Stocks Investing in stocks is like owning a farm. You don’t look at the price of it every day.

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