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10X in Today’s Market November 7, 2022 Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks Fortunes are made in bear markets. That’s why now is the best time to be a long-term investor in my opinion.
My Plan to Turn $1 Million Into … $10,000,000 October 31, 2022 Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Stocks [3-1-Q] See what I’m going to be buying to turn $1 million into $10,000,000. (Hint: It’s not bonds, gold or ordinary stocks.)
I Want You to Hear This… October 28, 2022 Income, Real Talk When I was younger, the more zeros after the dollar sign, the more successful I thought I was. Now, I realize success is really about this...
How I Learned the Most Important Skill in Trading October 26, 2022 Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies Usually we get into trading specifics, such as using options Greeks, setting up a hedge, understanding leverage, etc… But today, I'm going to discuss the way I learned the most important skill in my trading arsenal…
Stock Price vs. Investing October 24, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks Investing in stocks is like owning a farm. You don’t look at the price of it every day.