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Stock Price vs. Investing October 24, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks Investing in stocks is like owning a farm. You don’t look at the price of it every day.
2 Big Bouts of Volatility Before 270% Gain October 22, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks Your actions (or really — doing nothing) right now can make all the difference in your gains.
The Lesson I Learned From the Greatest Hitter of All Time October 21, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks This baseball approach has made all the difference in how I invest...
How Washington Cashed in on Crisis in 2020 October 20, 2022 2020 Financial Crisis, Real Talk, Stocks Millions of Americans trusted them. Yet even the worst health crisis in over a century … couldn’t keep them from feathering their nest.
What Mr. Market Taught Me on Black Monday October 19, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks What investors did that day, and the months after, meant all the difference in their net worth over the next five to 10 years.