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Latest Insights on CY

Avoid Bitcoin’s Hype: Invest in VOO May 30, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi Uncategorized The bitcoin craze started back in 2009. Its share prices have been on a roller-coaster ride ever since. Charles Mizrahi talks about this cryptocurrency’s volatility, and why he believes it’s not a safe investment. (3-minute read)
ALERT: Top Investor Reveals Safe Pot Stock Trades May 16, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Cannabis, Investing Whenever a new trend starts in the market, many companies rival to be the top dog. Once the craze dies down, however, only a few companies capture all of the available market share for that industry. To make money from a trend, it’s crucial to know how to pick profitable companies. Charles Mizrahi shares with you an exclusive presentation on a booming mega trend: the cannabis market. (3-minute read)
Investors Should Follow Superstar CEO Ed Breen Into DowDuPont February 21, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities A great CEO who knows how to allocate capital properly is a shareholder’s dream. And Charles Mizrahi has found one worth betting on today.
Why You Should Never Dress Better Than Your Boss January 31, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing If somebody is too focused on making an impression with their appearance, they’re not focused enough on running their business. That’s why Charles Mizrahi looks closely at the management team. Smart management focuses on increasing the worth of their business and returning cash to shareholders.

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