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Why You Should Never Confuse Brains With a Bull Market March 9, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (3-minute read) Paying high prices today for growth tomorrow is a risky way to make money in the stock market. Charles shares a much easier approach....
The Law of Gravity and the Russian Oil Ban March 8, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Commodities, Real Talk, U.S. Economy (3-minute read) The ban on Russian oil has sent investors into a frenzy. But there's an easier way to make money than investing in or trading commodities. And Charles shares what it is...
Solar Stocks Down 30% — Grab Them While They’re Cheap March 7, 2022 by Steve Fernandez Natural Resources, Winning Investor Daily Solar stocks have pulled back. This gives you an opportunity to get in now at a lower entry price.
Options Arena: Should You Trade Russian Stocks? Options Arena: Should You Trade Russian Stocks? March 6, 2022 by Mike Merson Investing, Oil, Options Arena, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters One expert calls it's 2022's "best buying opportunity." Another says it could soon be illegal. This is our most divisive topic to date...
The No. 1 ETF for the Global Energy Crisis March 4, 2022 by Steve Fernandez Investment Opportunities, Natural Resources, Winning Investor Daily Here’s your chance to profit from the energy crisis and the evolution of the energy markets.

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