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Performance Chasers Turned This ETF’s River Into a Swamp February 3, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (3-minute read) Performance chasers got the worst of both worlds when they invested in a popular exchange-traded fund.
Invest in This $10 Trillion Tech Trend Now January 31, 2022 by Steve Fernandez Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Investors and experts are sleeping on this tech trend and what it will unlock for the economy.
Market Fears, GE’s Fall From Grace and Charles’ Canine Companion January 28, 2022 by Lina Lee Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (2-minute read) Market pullbacks are normal. In fact, most of the stock market’s returns have been concentrated in periods of the greatest fear — like right now…
10 Days to Never Miss in the Stock Market 10 Days to Never Miss in the Stock Market January 24, 2022 by Charles Mizrahi Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Trading Strategies (3-minute read) Stock prices are falling, and most investors are hiding under their desks freaking out. But we aren’t because of this…
What’s Behind Microsoft’s $70 Billion Gaming Takeover January 24, 2022 by Steve Fernandez Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Microsoft’s move indicates there’s huge untapped potential in the gaming market.

"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

"You have done once again!! You are reminding me of the GREAT Joe DiMaggio with your consistent hitting!! You knocked this one out of the park!"

- Keith S.

“Looks like I have finally found the right person to learn and grow from.”

- James

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