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This Week: It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Win at Stocks August 7, 2020 by Annie Stevenson American Investor Today, Investing, U.S. Economy (5-minute read) We’re in a second wave of COVID-19 cases. As momentum stays at this level, what can we do? Charles Mizrahi says you should look at the big picture.
The ONLY Way to Make Money in Stocks August 6, 2020 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Education, Investing (6-minute video) The stock market doesn’t care about you. And if you take it personally, you’re going to have a bad time.
3 Sectors Lead the Great American Reset August 4, 2020 by Steve Fernandez 2020 Financial Crisis, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily Ian King and I believe that this catalyst has paved the way for a new era: the Great American Reset.
This Week: It’s Earnings Season, What Are You Doing About It? July 31, 2020 by Annie Stevenson American Investor Today, Trading Strategies, U.S. Economy (4-minute read) Hollywood awards season embraces a new normal while Wall Street pushes forward with earnings season. Our editors give us their best analysis of the season. Plus, what’s coming next?
Forget Tech Earnings — No. 1 Tech Stock to Buy July 30, 2020 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing, U.S. Economy (5-minute video) Charles Mizrahi’s video of the week takes on earnings season. Wall Street is trying to guess, and it’s failing. Today, Charles will show you how to avoid the Wall Street trap.

"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

“Looks like I have finally found the right person to learn and grow from.”

- James

"You have done once again!! You are reminding me of the GREAT Joe DiMaggio with your consistent hitting!! You knocked this one out of the park!"

- Keith S.

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