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Investors Should Follow Superstar CEO Ed Breen Into DowDuPont February 21, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investment Opportunities A great CEO who knows how to allocate capital properly is a shareholder’s dream. And Charles Mizrahi has found one worth betting on today.
The Trillion-Dollar Potential of Compounding Annual Earnings Rates February 14, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing Don’t underestimate the value of a small investment. You don’t need high percentage returns to make money. Longtime returns in the low double digits can turn a small nest egg into a huge one over time.
Profitable Trading Isn’t Selling or Buying — You Have to Be Fearless February 7, 2019 by Charles Mizrahi American Investor Today, Investing Good trading advice isn't about what to buy or sell, or even how to analyze markets. It’s about focusing on keeping your emotions in check. Divorcing emotions from your investing will save you money and help you sleep at night.

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