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The 1 Thing Voters Need to Know Before Election Day

If there could be just one thing voters understood going into this election, it needs to be this:  It hardly matters who the face of the Democrat Party is.

A vote for Kamala and/or anyone on their ticket is a vote for THEM, the Party (or as some call it, “The Blob”), and winning this election would give them an all-access ticket for them to remake our society into something we no longer recognize.

Once they removed the filibuster and added a few Justices, we would have one-party-rule, conceivably forever. And we wouldn’t even be able to communicate about it online. They’ve already started the process — do you like what you see?

They wanted to run Michelle Obama because hers was the most winning persona (at least to Democrats and some independents) and hearkened back to the Obama years.

But they apparently decided they could simply “coronate” someone who checked the same boxes in her place and accomplish the same thing, at least if they tightly controlled Kamala’s contact with the media.

If any Democrat wins, no matter who it is, that person will keep the same Obama holdovers in power, and those radicals will continue taking a hammer and chisel to the U.S. Constitution.

As Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out on Jesse Watter’s show: “The hard reality in American politics today is the people we elect to run the government — they’re not even the ones actually running the government.

It’s the puppet masters underneath and around them: unelected bureaucrats and the managerial class.” (I recently found a study that shows a majority of top federal agency heads plan to continue doing whatever they think is best regardless of what the voters want)

Vivek doesn’t think Kamala really has an ideology at all, no clear vision or ideas.

“She’s another cog in the system,” he said. “We’re not running against a candidate; we’re running against a machine.”

Trump, he said, wants to dismantle that machine, “so we have self-governance again in this country.” The deficits of both Biden and Harris are, to the people running the show, “a bug, not a feature.” The more clearly we can see that, he said, “the more likely we are to succeed.”

Vivek predicts more “strange and otherwise unpredictable things,” similar to their abrupt replacement of Biden with Harris, between now and the election.

The way we stay out in front of this is by being candid and consistent about who we are what we stand for.

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

Terrorism Targets America, Not Politics: A Call for National Unity

On the morning of September 11, 2001, four coordinated terrorist attacks were carried out by al-Qaeda.

That day, 2,977 innocent men, women and children lost their lives.

When the first plane hit the North Tower at 8:48 a.m., I was at home.

My wife ran into the room and told me a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.

I stepped outside my house and could see the thick black smoke coming from the North Tower, which was less than eight miles away.

In the days and months that followed, New Yorkers mourned, supported each other and lived in fear of another attack.

It felt like the city had transformed into a small town — people connected, united in grief and resolve.

Now, 23 years later, New York, and especially our country feels more divided than ever.

We’ve forgotten that, on that day, the terrorists didn’t target political groups … they targeted Americans.

Just recently, the FBI foiled a terror plot by an ISIS supporter planning an attack in Brooklyn, just five miles from my home, reminding us that threats still exist.

As we approach more challenging times, I hope we can reflect on this: when those terrorists crashed the planes, they weren’t trying to divide us by politics — they aimed to destroy us as a nation.

So whichever candidate wins this Election Day, we need to pray for their success.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

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