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The Truth Behind Trump’s Victory

My faith in the American people has been greatly restored.

It’s the relief of seeing a landslide election both in the electoral college and the popular vote across all racial, gender, socio-economic and geographical lines.

But the election was always about far more than Donald Trump…

It has been about what kind of country we will leave for our children and grandchildren. Will free speech survive? Will we again punish violent criminals instead of the victims of rape, theft and murder?

People were disgusted with the mismanagement of an economy that doubled the cost of eating out, made groceries and gasoline almost unaffordable, and doubled the cost of the American dream of home ownership, putting it out of reach for younger Americans.

But what happened last week represents a dramatic political re-alignment unlike anything in my lifetime and maybe in U.S. history.

The old versions of both the Democrat and Republican parties have been shattered. And I say “good riddance.”

The Democrats moved so far to an indefensible and irrational radical left that people still holding on to a modicum of common sense said, “ENOUGH!”

Americans are generally patient, and even forgiving, but they aren’t stupid.

They were struggling to pay electric bills but were being told the economy was great. They were told that crime was going down, but they knew by their own neighborhoods their streets weren’t safe anymore.

And they were told we would stand with Israel, but ultimately put more pressure on Israel as it sought to defend itself than with Hamas and Hezbelloh and their radical funders in Iran. We all knew that didn’t make sense.

When I ran for President in 2008, I was harshly criticized for talking about the working class and the struggles of Americans in farming or factories. The official GOP line was that the economy was fine.

It wasn’t, and the collapse in the fall of 2008 proved I was right.

In 2015, as I prepared to run again, I wrote a book titled “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy” that I think still best explains Donald Trump’s popularity and victory in 2016 and again this year.

Read it for yourself and I think you’ll agree. I didn’t have the funds or the fame to get that message past the establishment media and the ruling class elites in the spheres of power in Washington, New York, Hollywood and Silicon Valley … but Donald Trump did.

He carried the message like no one else could have. And he showed grit and resilience and tenacity to fight back when most all of us would have given up.

This was not Donald Trump’s victory.

It was the victory for every mom who goes to a school board meeting…

For every guy driving a pickup truck who works on your furnace or your Ford…

For every legal immigrant who waited years to become a citizen and who proudly loves being an American…

For every pastor who doesn’t want the government telling him what he can or can’t preach…

It wasn’t HIS victory — it was YOURS!

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

AI Acceleration Under Trump: Powering America’s Next Tech Revolution

On January 20, 2025, Donald J. Trump will return to the Oval Office.

No matter your political leanings, we all need to support our president because we’re all in this together.

(Note: If you missed it, Gov. Huckabee and I shared more of our thoughts on the election and our investing approach here.)

And there’s one thing we can all agree on: AI will continue to grow exponentially over the next decade.

President Trump hasn’t announced who he’ll appoint to lead national AI policy, but some of his biggest supporters include Silicon Valley venture capitalists like Marc Andreessen.

Andreessen, who calls himself a “techno-optimist” and “AI accelerationist,” believes in quickly advancing AI to turn humanity into a “race of superhumans.”

This bodes well for the future of AI under the Trump administration.

And the companies in the sweet spot to capture the lion’s share of growth are in data center and AI chip spending…

To see why, watch this:

I spoke to Mark Mills — a renowned energy expert and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute — about the energy demands of AI.

He shares his recent testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, providing a firsthand account of the challenges and opportunities at the intersection of AI and energy.


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

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