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This Is What It’s Like Having a President

42 days…

We’re still counting down for President-elect Trump to return to the Oval Office and finish what he started.

I fear a lot of people may have forgotten what it’s like having a president.

But not for long…

Hamas posted a video of another American-Israeli hostage in hopes that it would make Trump pressure Israel to agree to a ceasefire.

Boy, did they read their audience wrong.

While the official Biden response to Neutra’s death was a solemn statement issued “with a heavy heart,” Trump’s response on Truth Social and X was slightly different…

Charles Mizrahi says this is real leadership…

It was also reported that that message was delivered directly to Hamas leaders.

Many commenters hailed the stark change from “with a heavy heart” to “ALL HELL TO PAY,” celebrating that America finally has a President again.

Or at least we will as of January 20th. Hamas had better take note that the clock is ticking.

Keep reading for more good news for investors with the “Trump Effect” in full swing…

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

The Great Wealth Transfer

A “Great Wealth Transfer” is beginning to unfold…

From Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) to Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996).

That transfer of wealth is no small potatoes. It’s $16 trillion by 2030 — all the way up to $84 trillion by 2045.

Millennials are the largest generation in U.S. history — they’re also about to become the richest.

Their total wealth is set to grow five-fold by 2030.

They are already making more money from their jobs — and they’re going to get an extra bonus of an inheritance from their boomer parents.

The average projected inheritance is estimated to be $738,724.

As I mentioned on X, this transfer is creating strong tailwinds for alternative asset managers that we currently have in the American Prosperity portfolio.

(Click here to see my tweet and follow me on X.)

We saw this trend developing close to five years ago.

And over the past few years, we’ve added companies that would directly benefit.

The Great Wealth Transfer is in its early stages, but we see it picking up steam over the next few years.

In addition to alternative asset managers, there is another sector that should soar.

All you need to do is connect the dots to see how it’s going to play out.

However, Mr. Market is sleeping at the switch and is offering this company at a great price.

I’m already seeing signs that some on Wall Street are getting wind of the opportunity.

That’s why I put together a presentation where I lay it all out.

I highly suggest you check it out here — at minimum, you’ll walk away with a lot of insight…

At best, you’ll see what I’m seeing on how to make a lot of money in this sector.

I’m only going to put this link up for a few days, so I highly suggest you watch it now. 

Your future self will thank you.


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

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