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Trump Town Hall: Winning is Just the Start

Mark your calendars for tomorrow. I’ll be hosting a town hall in Philadelphia with President Donald Trump (I can’t let my daughter be the only one in the family to have done that, can I?)

I’ll share more about it this week.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris isn’t exactly keeping a backbreaking campaign schedule, she did do another CNN town hall.

It went about as well as you’d expect, by which I mean, it went so badly that even CNN couldn’t help remarking on it.

It was more of the usual: dodging questions on specifics, attacking Trump and tossing word salads.

Our quote of the day: When asked why she hasn’t yet done any of the things she’s promising to do in the next four years, Harris replied, “I’m pointing out things that need to be done that haven’t been done that need to be done.”

She’s done.

I’ve gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris!

Winning the election is just the start. If we get there in a couple of weeks — it’s looking good, but take NOTHING for granted — we then have to make it all the way to Inauguration Day.

And the left will not go gentle into that good night. Who knows how far they’ll go to shake things up before then — and after?

That’s why it’s important to prepare now. Charles Mizrahi is sharing insights on how you can get on the road to Prosperity USA starting now. See below…

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Director, Prosperity Research

❓ Insider Question:

If you could ask Donald Trump one question at a town hall, what would it be? Let us know here.

Faith in Democracy: Why Election Results Strengthen Our Belief in the System

Growing up, Election Day was always a big deal in my house.

My mother taught us from a very young age that as citizens of this great country, it is our civic duty to have a say in who governs us.

Mom would read up on each candidate, study their positions on issues important to her values, and proudly vote.

Some years, she would take me and my brothers along. It was a big thrill.

And after she voted, on our way home, we’d walk past the bakery and she’d buy us a black and white cookie and a Sunny Dew drink. Boy, nothing ever tasted so good.

My grandparents, my mother’s parents, also took Election Day seriously … but for a different reason.

In 1922, both my grandmother and grandfather bought a ticket in steerage and boarded a ship that would take them from Russia to America.

They were escaping religious persecution and economic hardship. My grandfather used to tell me how in Russia, they actually believed the streets of America were paved with gold.

When they arrived on these shores, the reality was quite different. But that didn’t dissuade them one bit.

I recall them telling me that when they arrived at the immigration center in Ellis Island, they could smell the freedom in the air.

So Election Day is a very nostalgic day for me filled with meaning on so many different levels.

After the election results come in next week, no matter the outcome, know this: my faith in our system of government is stronger than ever and so should yours.

As for getting your portfolio ready for Prosperity USA, if you own quality businesses, run by Alpha leaders, bought at attractive prices — like the ones I recommend each month in The American Prosperity Report — the world is your oyster.

The hard part is having the patience to wait, and the focus to avoid noise.


Charles Mizrahi

Founder, Alpha Investor

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