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What This Week’s Bull Market Means for You

Bear markets are all we’ve heard about lately.

Yet this week, the Nasdaq actually entered a bull market. On Thursday, it rebounded more than 20% from its low in June.

It’s certainly no all-clear sign. (As Alpha Investor founder Charles Mizrahi says, all-clear market signals are like Santa and the Easter Bunny. They don’t exist.)

But it goes to show that down markets don’t last forever. And when things do turn around, you’ll want to be invested in the great opportunities Charles has identified at bargain prices now.

Be sure to catch up on his Real Talk below for all of his latest insights!

10 Mistakes Every Investor Makes
Here are Charles’ 3 must-read insights, 1 word for you to ponder and 1 question for you this week … including common investment mistakes that might be preventing you from making money in stocks.
Jason Greenblatt: In the Path of Abraham
Charles sat down with author Jeffrey Frank to discuss the decisions that Harry Truman made during his presidency that continue to shape our world today.
The Billion-Dollar Question SoftBank Forgot to Ask
A group of intelligent investors could have saved themselves billions of dollars. All they had to do was ask themselves a simple question. Because no matter the state of the market, this factor never goes out of fashion.
CEOs & Your Gains: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Few CEOs say what they mean and mean what they say. But the ones who do are real rock stars. And they help investors make money. Charles shares how
Investing Insights From Grandpa Louie and $50 Tomatoes
In memory of his grandpa, Charles tried his hand at planting tomatoes this spring. Watch his Real Talk Video now to find out the valuable life — and investing — insights he gained from the experience.


Lina Lee

Senior Managing Editor, Real Talk

Real Talk, Real Readers!

From Ken L.: Thanks, Charles! The stats you shared of bear markets in history gave me relief from anxiety. We forget that history on any subject is a great way to reflect on current events!

There’s hope that this downturn will bounce back stronger and faster while taking advantage of opportunities that only happen when taking a breath of reality.

Thank you and your team for keeping us alert and positive in the markets with a great down-to-earth style of communication!

From Diane J.: Charles, I love your sound and sensible advice. Thank you!

From Michael C.: What Charles says just makes sense. Let it continue!

From Gary H.: I like all of your information. I like research and finding out why or how markets work. And you make it interesting and easier to understand.

From Scott S.: Charles, thank you very much for the podcast with Jason. It was wonderful and very informative. There is hope!

From Elizabeth R.: Your podcast was so enlightening and instructive. It helped clarify why there have been so many problems in the Middle East.

Congratulations for bringing that forward for so many who at least partially understand and for giving us some hope for the future (especially during these horrible times internationally).

From Stan S.: If only we could universally agree upon the definition of a recession (as it now appears to be evolving), we might be able to correctly answer that vexing question.

From Caine O.: In a word, no, I don’t believe we are in a recession in any meaningful way. Unemployment is so low and jobs are so plentiful that the real economy is fairly hot.

Let’s not confuse stock prices with business. Even if — statistically speaking — the gross domestic product (GDP) had been somewhat less than the previous quarter, that alone does not convince me of much. Rather, I think we are finally coming out of the end phase of the 2008 financial crisis.

We’ve been running on artificially easy money at ridiculously low interest rates since then, pumped up further by COVID stimulus money. We are now transitioning back to a normal economy with normal interest rates.

So, while the economy adjusts to this “normalcy,” there may be dips in GDP. But I don’t see signs of a real setback for business at large. Will the Federal Reserve succeed in engineering a soft landing? TBD.

From Dan F.: Charles, it certainly feels like a recession to me. The cost of everything is up, and grocery prices continue to rise. We are spending a lot more for the same food, and it seems every week something else is more expensive.

Plus, our government wants to tax and spend more, aggravating the situation. Gas prices are less, but still a lot higher than a few years ago. So, yes, it seems like a recession to me.

From George D.: Yes, I do think we are in a recession. I’m not looking to make a large amount of money, but I would like to stay ahead of inflation.

From V.K.R.: No, I don’t think the U.S. economy is in a recession. I’m sure you remember Paul Harvey once famously said: “While sitting in a five-star hotel having cheese and wine, we talk about recession.”

From Cheryl W.: My response to your question about whether America is in a recession is a question…

What would one call a one-pound package of hamburgers, previously priced at $3 … that, as of last week, is now $5.97? I call it outrageous! Chicken used to be my go-to meat. However, I have changed to tuna. One can still find it priced under $1 a pound. The apple slices once priced at $3.99 are now $6.47 for the same package.

Please educate me if my thinking should change. Thanks for your time.

From Myron S.: I listened to Warren Buffett and enjoyed what he had to say. I do not know if today’s trading is the same as it was in his times. But it is something to think about.

Are we in a recession? I guess it depends on who you are talking to. Those with less and who are just making it, maybe yes. For those who have money and want to invest, maybe no. Having knowledge and some money helps.

But most don’t know what to do, for there are so many people trying to get their money by scaring them. What to do? It is tough.

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