Some of our subscribers ask us: What’s the difference between the free e-letters and premium advisory services?

The premium advisory services are for subscribers that are looking for regular stock, options or other investment recommendations, detailed trade alerts and updates, and model portfolios. The free e-letters offer only some broad recommendations using current market news.

Which Is Right for You?

Ultimately, we believe that a combination of both free e-letters and premium services is how you can make the most money in the stock market for the long term.

We began relationships with a lot of our most loyal subscribers when they first signed up for the free e-letters. Once they saw how much we could help them, many then subscribed to our premium services.

Are the Premium Pages Worth It?

A better question to ask is: What are your goals?

Most want to know if our free e-letters are enough to make sound investments or if our premium stock advisory services give you more bang for your buck.

Of course, we want everyone to sign up for our premium content. We want Main Street investors to join our community of like-minded experts who have their best interests at heart.

If you are looking to save for your retirement, or for a college fund, or even just to generate more wealth, then the premium advisories are the way to go. Our experts have a down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach to their recommendations.

If you want to focus on the trading alone, look for the trade alerts and the model portfolio. If you want to understand why we recommend certain positions, then you can read, watch or listen to all the supporting data provided in e-letters, videos and podcasts.

Still have questions for us? Visit the frequently asked questions page for more answers to the most common customer asked questions at Prosperity Research.